![]() Happy Thanksgiving Eve! Speaking of turkeys, let’s talk about politics. Just kidding! Ha! Actually, um, my brain is about mush at this point. Just thoughts of thankfulness on a beautiful afternoon… — First off, thank God for my life. It’s not everything I want, but it’s sure better than anything I could have come up with. I’m a sober alcoholic, own a business that brings value to the community, and I’m surrounded by people who have my back. If it all ends tomorrow, I will go out on streets of gold. — Early into my blog career Deb said, “Do you think God had you work at the Chronicle for 34 years to prepare you for this?” I kinda dismissed that thought at the time, but now I’m not so sure. Just Wright Citrus is one of a kind, tailored specifically for me and our community. That Chronicle experience is the ONLY reason I’m able to provide any decent perspective. I will always be thankful for my Chronicle days.
— We’re about a year into the new Just Wright Citrus World Headquarters on the shores of Big Lake Henderson. My vocabulary doesn’t include the right words of gratitude for this place. My landlord, Paul Hertensen (he of turtle fame), and his wife Jean are beautiful, hard-working people who make me feel safe and secure in this wonderful house. I find God's peace in this house every day. — Thankful for all the folks who help Just Wright Citrus. Many Citrus Countians play a vital role in its success. I sent a friend a note Tuesday saying I’m giving thanks to all those nameless folks who are happy to help so long as no one knows. She had a good word to describe JWC supporters: Eclectic. Yup. Sounds about right. I'm so thankful that folks want to help me spread the word. — I’m thankful for semi-retirement. I love working for myself. I set the hours and dress code (none), and generally do whatever I feel like doing at the moment. Within reason. I start each morning with a three-pronged prayer: Thanking God for the day, asking to keep me sober today, and that he uses me to advance his kingdom. Then, off we go. I’m tired of living for myself. I want to be useful to my fellows. — Speaking of that, super thankful for the community. I could go on and on about the heartbeat of Citrus County, but the one story I’ve told over and over to strangers in recent weeks concerns Andy Lahera. Folks are stunned when I tell them our community paid off Andy’s mortgage. When I fill in the details, they wonder if their community would respond that way in a crisis. I’m thankful for a lot of stuff, but this community tops them all. Such a caring, loving, helpful, opinionated, and eager county. We don’t take no for an answer, we support and challenge our politicians, and we take care of our kids. And each other. — Finally, a word about today’s photo. That’s Angela Dawson and her husband Barry enjoying a Cattle Dog chat with me a few months back. Sitting on the table is an Echo Harp harmonica. I had mentioned in a recent blog about looking for a harmonica. Angela responded in a message. As she told it: “I’ve been in Citrus County for 34 years. I accepted my dad’s invitation to move from the Northeast and help him in his construction business way back then. Quit my job, sold the house and 30 days before I got here Dad had a heart attack and died. I came anyway and I’ve settled quite nicely in my corner of Pine Ridge. “One memory of Dad is of him playing the harmonica. We’d sit outside on the stoop, watch the traffic go by, while he played. Or we would be camping, sitting by the campfire, the sounds of the Echo Harp drifting upward with the smoke of the fire…yup good stuff, good juju. After he died, Mom gave it to me.” Where it sat, in its original box, untouched for decades until Angela saw the blog. She graciously gave me her dad’s precious harmonica. Can you believe that? Other than “Amazing Grace” and “When the Saints Go Marching In,” my harmonica talents are theoretical. But the sound is so sweet; my mind harkens back to Angela’s youth, and I imagine her enjoying Dad’s harmonica on a warm summer evening. I treasure this gift. It’s the stuff of Thanksgiving. —We’ll be taking the government off days Thursday and Friday and then return Monday with more blog action. Have an exceptional holiday weekend, friends. God bless each of you. Join the discussion on our Facebook page. Enjoying the blog? Please consider supporting it at Venmo, PayPal, or Patreon. Comments are closed.
AuthorMike Wright has written about Citrus County government and politics for 36 years. Archives
February 2025