![]() One thing I’ll say about Library Guy, he never ceases to amaze. Fresh off his crushing defeat last week by a Library Governing Board majority that would not give in to hate, Library Guy is taking a different route: Mind reading.
Let’s briefly go back a week. The governing board is the five county commissioners, Crystal River Councilman Ken Brown and Inverness Councilwoman Jacquie Hepfer. The issue was appointing five members to the library advisory board (and if you’re new to Citrus County and wonder why so much fuss over the library board, now you know how the rest of us feel). We all knew this would be contentious. Discord, fueled by people just looking for trouble, does that. But when the public had its say, Brown quickly made a motion to reappoint the five library board members, it was seconded by Commissioner Holly Davis. Discussion ensued and the governing board voted 5-2 to reappoint the five, with Commissioners Ron Kitchen Jr. and Scott Carnahan voting no. I mentioned all this last week when I commended Brown for waltzing into the county commission chambers and standing up for what’s right. Library Guy, however, has brought up a possibility I had never considered: Brown and Davis were in on it from the start, which of course would be illegal. I’m sure you’re thinking, “Hey wait a minute, Just Wright Citrus! That’s a pretty serious thing to say, accusing elected officials of violating the Sunshine Law. Surely you have proof.” I’ve got something better than proof: Library Guy’s hunch, expert video watching skills and apparent clairvoyance. Oh heck, let Library Guy explain it, as he did in this correspondence with the county (which I picked up in my weekly commission email, randomly from Commissioner Holly Davis): “As a member of the Citrus County Library Governing Board, Crystal River Councilman Ken Brown made a motion at the April 26, 2022 board meeting to reappoint all five incumbent members of the Library Advisory Board whose terms had expired. The motion was immediately seconded by Citrus County Commissioner Holly Davis. The April 26 meeting included a public comment period before board discussion. Shortly after Chairman Ron Kitchen called the meeting to order, and before any of the public had spoken, Councilman Brown asked Chairman Kitchen to recognize him as soon as the public comment period was over. Chairman Kitchen agreed. At that moment, Councilman Brown looked over to Commissioner Davis and the two exchanged a nod, indicating that an agreement had been made between them before the meeting, in violation of Florida's Sunshine Law, that Councilman Brown would make his motion as soon as Chairman Kitchen recognized him and that Commissioner Davis would second it, which is in fact what happened.” Astounding! Let’s break down his thinking, which is either spot on or deep paranoia. You decide. — “At that moment, Councilman Brown looked over to Commissioner Davis and the two exchanged a nod…” Library Guy included a link to the YouTube video of the meeting. I found the spot he’s referring to and, indeed, Brown and Davis exchanged a glance, though it’s hardly a nod. And if you look at the screenshot I’ve captured here, Carnahan is also looking his way as is Hepfer. In other words, people sitting on a board reacting normally when one of them speaks. Not exactly Secret Agent Man stuff. — “...indicating that an agreement had been made between them before the meeting, in violation of Florida's Sunshine Law, that Councilman Brown would make his motion as soon as Chairman Kitchen recognized him and that Commissioner Davis would second it…” Now, that takes true talent. It’s one thing to observe a slight facial expression between individuals. But to interpret it with no proof? Genius. Jesting aside. I know some people think I pick on Library Guy, and it's true stunts like this make him an easy target. But it’s more than annoying and insulting. For all the yelling about “taxpayer-funded” library displays, Library Guy and his ilk have county and school board document-keepers chasing down one rabbit hole after another. This weirdness just gets weirder every day. Join the discussion on our Facebook page. Comments are closed.
AuthorMike Wright has written about Citrus County government and politics for 36 years. Archives
February 2025