![]() There was a time when I really enjoyed Wednedays. Middle of the week, hump day, and all that. It has become one of my favorite days of the week, particularly on the Just Wright Citrus schedule that allegedly provides a “day off” on Friday, making your Wednesday my Thursday. It’s also the day following the County Commission meeting meaning it’s my first free day of the week. I gear up for Wednesday.
Except for one thing. Nearly every week I write Thursday’s blog on Wednesday afternoon, then leave it alone for a few hours, take another look at 9:30 p.m. — and decide on a total rewrite. That’s exactly what happened Wednesday. I had something planned that was researched and laid out pretty well. I had it all written by 4 p.m., and sent it off to a few trusted friends. The initial reaction was very positive. Then, however, a few questions started to trickle in. I started thinking about maybe tweaking it here and there. I gotta make split decisions late at night. One, I’m tired and I need to recognize that. It’s a bad time to be writing. Worse, though, is rushing through a blog that’s not ready. The idea will sit. It’s not going anywhere. That left me with … an uncomfortable situation. Late-night writing with no purpose. You know, it’s probably not the best work habit to put all my eggs in one basket like that. I’m surprised this doesn’t happen more often. Seems logical I should have a stable of timeless blogs ready to go at a moment’s notice. Some people have suggested I rerun old blogs with updates. That’s a great idea I should be considering at 2 in the afternoon and not past Buddy’s bedtime. The challenge is, my brain is already tapped out. “Whaddya mean, you need another blog?” it’s saying to me in the kind of voice that suggests I woke my brain from a nap. Instead, I’m headed for an old standby, the Thursday rambling: — Early voting for Tuesday’s presidential preference primary at Inverness City Hall and four other locations ends at 6 p.m. Saturday. Voter turnout so far among Republicans — they’re the only ones this primary is for — is around 18%. I’m an Election Day voter and this year will be no different. This is my first PPP as a registered Republican and, I gotta say, what a disappointment. I remember a day when Florida had a say in who was elected to the biggest job in the land. Now we’re an afterthought. “Florida? Oh yeah, they're allowed to play.” We’re having primaries after the nomination is secured. Is this not the dumbest process on the planet? Yet…I’m still voting Tuesday, and I’ll proudly wear my “I voted” sticker. It’s just for sport, but I’m not ready to ignore a chance to vote. I never take it for granted. (I never understood folks who vote in big elections, but not smaller ones. That’s like playing the Lotto only when it’s $10 million and not $1 million. Each election has its riches.) (That’s the sentence you type at 11 p.m. when nothing makes sense anymore.) — Kudos to the Citrus County government for making changes to its website homepage following Wednesday’s blog about local websites. The county added a button to its YouTube channel on the homepage, and also provided a link that takes readers to the dashboard with project updates. I appreciate the focus on quality improvement. — OK, I think I wormed my way through all that. I appreciate your indulgence when the editorial department here hits a roadblock. I do my best to avoid it, but I’m grateful today to recognize those warning bells. It’s Thursday in Citrus County. Enjoy it, friends. Join the discussion on our Facebook page. Enjoying the blog? Please consider supporting it at Venmo, PayPal, or Patreon. Comments are closed.
AuthorMike Wright has written about Citrus County government and politics for 36 years. Archives
February 2025