Back by popular demand for 2024, it’s the Q-and-A format. Q: What Q-and-A format? A: Exactly! Q: Did you attend the Inverness City Council meeting Tuesday night? A: I attended virtually. Meaning…no.
Q: Explain yourself, bearded one. A: I want to encourage more city political conversation in the blog this year. I can’t rely much on coverage from the newspaper, so the only way to get locked into the cities is to attend council meetings. Q: Makes sense. What’s the problem? A: That’s the last place to spend my Monday or Tuesday evenings. It’s no reflection on either city, just that I’ve never been a big fan of covering night meetings. I’m perfectly good with attending County Commission meetings, but I draw the line somewhere. Q: And that explains why you watched Tuesday’s Inverness City Council on your phone rather than showing up in person? A: Exactly. Q: OK, so getting to the red-light camera issue. Your thoughts? A: Both Sheriff Mike Prendergast and Altumint, the company giving the presentation, were so effective in explaining how dangerous our intersections are, I’m afraid to leave the house. Q: Let’s talk about politics. What did the council members think? A: Gene Davis and Linda Bega were big supporters. Crystal Lizanich and Cabot McBride, not so much. Jacquie Hepfer seemed on the supporter side too, but not emphatically. Q: Why were Davis and Bega in support? A: Safety. The presentation says red-light cameras can save lives. That resonates in pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly Inverness. “I don’t want to wait until someone’s killed crossing the road,” Bega said. Q: What about the others? A: Lizanich said the data doesn’t support the success of red-light cameras. McBride questioned the accuracy of the information presented, including 700 red-light violations on a single day at Eden Drive and U.S. 41. “I do want to increase safety. I just don’t think this is the way to do it,” Lizanich said. “One day’s worth of data doesn’t prove a lot to me.” Q: Did anyone mention the state highway department report that shows more crashes at red-light camera intersections? A: No. Q: So, it looks that there’s majority support, correct? A: Yes, but here’s where politics comes into play. Mayor Bob Plaisted is a hard no. He doesn’t get a vote, but he can veto ordinances. If this ends up in a final vote down the line, it’ll be by way of ordinance. Q: Were there questions asked of the Sheriff? A: Yes, quite a few. Q: Did someone ask if he was going to need more money or staffing to oversee this program? A: Yes, someone did. Q: And…? A: He had no answer. Once the program is up and running, that’s when he’ll know his cost. Q: Generally, what do you think of that answer? A: Generally, that’s how we get into big budget trouble. We used that same approach — “We’ll figure it out later” — for the COPS grant, and now the county doesn’t know where to find millions of dollars to hire deputies. Q: Is it a flag that the sheriff had no red-light violation data to support this idea, no clue how much it’ll cost or whether he’ll have to hire more people to oversee it? A: Big time. Q: What’s the one question you wanted asked but no one asked? A: What Florida counties or cities are contracted with this company for red-light cameras? What is the company’s experience with success in Florida? Q: What’s the second question you wanted asked but no one asked? A: How is the vendor paid? (The answer came from another question: The company receives $15,000/month per camera, off the top of the citation fines.) Q: What’s the third question you wanted asked but no one asked? A: “Sheriff, if these red-light runner numbers are so horrible, what are you doing about it? Besides wanting to hire someone else to ticket people.” Q: What’s the fourth question you wanted asked but no one asked? A: Where did this vendor come from? Shouldn’t we bid it out? Q: As an observer of local government, were you satisfied with the City Council’s discussion? A: In general, yes. Those council members who believe this program will reduce crashes and make life safer should look at the experiences of Florida communities that have now or had red-light cameras. The reviews are less than stellar. On the other hand, council members who don’t support red-light cameras should have other ideas to reduce intersection risks. Q: Will you attend future City Council meetings online? A: Absolutely! It’s the only way to go. Have a great Wednesday, friends. Join the discussion on our Facebook page. Enjoying the blog? Please consider supporting it here. Comments are closed.
AuthorMike Wright has written about Citrus County government and politics for 36 years. Archives
January 2025