![]() Monday was a day of milestones here at Just Wright Citrus world headquarters. I reached 1,400 Facebook followers. And I banned my first reader, which means I awoke Tuesday with 1,399 Facebook followers. Man, I am loving the conversation taking place on this blog. It’s positive, it’s energetic, it’s full of give and take.
It is exactly the kind of discussion we need around here if Citrus County is to progress with level heads. Some people, sadly, do not wish to participate in that type of forum. They would prefer it in the mud and I’m here to tell you that just ain’t going to fly. There are plenty of online forums to post comments that seek to divide, including some in this county. Just Wright Citrus is not one of them. This blog is all about community discussion. I raise a topic each day, offer an opinion or two, and then the real conversation starts. That’s the part you participate in, the part I enjoy the most. The last thing I want to do is stifle that conversation, but I will if it gets personal or out of line. So here’s just a few thoughts on that: — I’m not a stats guy but I’m guessing 99.9% of our comments fit right into the conversation. Just look at the comments from Monday’s post on new county commission candidate John Murphy. They were respectful, covered a wide berth of opinion, and to the point. Exactly the type of discussion we’re encouraging. — I want Just Wright Citrus to be a safe place where folks can comment without having to worry about being attacked for their views, their political party, where they live or what they support. Social media has turned us all into raving purveyors of bad manners. That behavior has no place here. Period. If you feel the need to attack, go elsewhere to do that. What’s the difference between opinion on an issue and personal hit? Here’s a hypothetical example: Yes: “Ron Kitchen is the worst commissioner ever.” No: “Ron Kitchen is a weenie.” Yes: “I’d vote for Ron Kitchen every time he’s on the ballot.” No: “Ron Kitchen is a weenie.” One person made an offensive remark about a commissioner (not Ron Kitchen). I deleted the comment and sent a note to the reader explaining why. He said I was being heavy handed. My response: Darn right! I pledge civility in this blog and that means attention to detail. I am entirely in favor of spirited debate. But if it gets personal, out it goes. And if someone persists in trying to hijack the blog, as our former reader did the other night, I’ll have no problem showing them the door. I’m not trying to be a jerk. I’m just sick of the ugly negativity. Based on the feedback, I’m guessing you are too. I didn’t want to make a big deal about this but I also wanted it clear that this is a safe zone for opinions. Online bullies may go elsewhere. Join the discussion on our Facebook page. Comments are closed.
AuthorMike Wright has written about Citrus County government and politics for 36 years. Archives
February 2025