![]() Back by popular demand from those toiling at Just Wright Citrus World Headquarters…Friday photo page! I take a lot of photos with my phone camera and most, thankfully, never see the light of day. My pictures tend to fall into one of four categories:
Basically, anything that doesn’t move. The only “action” shots here are those of government meetings where people generally sit, or stand, and speak with very little moving about. My kind of live-action photo scene. Without further ado: Expect plenty written here in 2023 about traffic, roads, congestion and red lights. I’m of the belief our traffic signals should communicate with each other so that it’s not red/green, then red/green, then red/green (as opposed to timed green lights) on every major stretch of roadway. (If you're not sure what I'm talking about, think C.R. 486 through Citrus Hills and C.R. 491 in Beverly Hills.) This signal is my personal nemesis. It’s U.S. 41 at the Inverness Regional Shopping Center where Planet Fitness is located in the old Kmart. As you can see, I'm sitting at a red light for no reason. It's common and frustrating. U.S. 41 traffic is repeatedly stopped at this signal every day to allow a single car or two to leave the parking lot. I’m not opposed to the signal but, by golly, those parking lot folks should have a longer red than the roadway. I was meeting a friend in Beverly Hills one day and, while wandering through Central Ridge Park, came across the Beverly Hills Horseshoe Club. My, what a throwback to a much simpler time in Citrus County. The club is active and has tournaments on a regular basis. Check out the group’s website. I couldn’t find an originating date, but it’s got to be circa 1970s. While never being much of a pitcher myself, I truly appreciate those who do. Frankly, any outdoor activity that doesn’t involve staring at a cell phone is worth a look. These courts are open for anyone to use, whether a club member or not. And the club has horseshoe tournaments the second Saturday each month. Knowing that the Beverly Hills Horseshoe Club is still pitching after all these years gives me continued hope for our community. I usually don’t make a habit of running press releases but this one is pretty cool: “Citrus County’s drinking water has officially been named “best of the best” in a statewide tasting competition. The “Best Tasting Drinking Water Contest” is held annually by the regions within the Florida Section of the American Water Works Association (FSAWWA) and brings together other utilities to compete for the title. Samples are judged on taste, color, odor, and clarity. The winning water was pulled from the Charles A. Black I facility in Citrus Hills.” We have the tastiest (?) drinking water in all of Florida! Now, remember, that’s for folks on the county’s water system, not those on a well and water softener where you’re lucky if clothes don’t come out of the wash with rust stains. That’s utilities director Gary Loggins in the photo. Congrats to water resources director Ken Cheek and his team. This really is an impressive accomplishment. Are you looking at this photo wondering, “What the heck is that?”
Welcome to Citrus County! The “splatter zone” sign at Lu the hippo’s lagoon in the Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park is just one of many little iconic facets of our beautiful community. I still find surprises everywhere, and I’ve covered every square inch of this county. By the way, that sign isn’t for show. You really don’t want to be in the vicinity when Lu starts backing up. Seriously, though, if the sign truly is unfamiliar and you reside in Citrus County, make it a point to visit the wildlife park. Tell Lu I said hi. Join the discussion on our Facebook page. Comments are closed.
AuthorMike Wright has written about Citrus County government and politics for 36 years. Archives
February 2025